Almost Committed

I’m not going to say anything about our SBC convention that hasn’t already been said but I’d like to give it my best shot anyways.

Acts 26:27 “Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.”

This is the verse that God spoke to my heart Wednesday morning as I sat and prayed about all that had transpired the day before and began preparing my heart for the events that would unfold on this particular day.

Our SBC leadership is willing to say that the Bible is God’s Word and that it is sufficient for all matters of life and Godliness. They are willing to state that we need no other analytical tools, yet they have refused to refute the Godless, divisive, perverted, hackjob known as CRT. They stood on that stage and publicly mocked good honest men and women of God. They purposefully fluffed mics, they deliberated, they even used a nonsense motion to filibuster through the allotted time for discourse.

Scores of good men and women co-signed a resolution calling for the abolition of abortion and yet it was held up in committee? Thankfully the messengers were able to force them to bring it out of committee for discussion and was voted on by SBC messengers and passed with one minor amendment.

Truth be told, I hate the politics of our denomination. I hate that you need to be powerful in order to garner a voice, or know the right person, or attend the right church. Grassroots churches are the majority throughout our convention yet they have the least representation due to lack of funds or bi-vocational pastors who just can’t leave their work to attend.

If not for faithful men like Ronnie Floyd and Paul Chitwood, groups like Founders Min and CBN, and the many fellow pastors and laypeople that I love and respect, I would have lost faith in our convention long ago. This year I came to the realization that our SBC leadership echoes the voice of Agrippa, “almost you’ve persuaded me to live, act, and lead like a Christian.”

Pray for my church and scores of churches just like mine that we remain faithful to the Lord despite what happens at the national level. I believe there are churches praying and making decisions to leave or withhold funding from the CP, pray that God gives us wisdom and courage to do the right thing. We are called to build God’s Kingdom, we are not called to build a great convention to and of ourselves.


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